Bexar Arms Co. hosts events throughout the month to help firearms owners learn fundament skills, firearms safety and maintenance. To register for events visit Bexar Arms Co. on Event Brite.
Zoom Conference Room
This class is for new firearms owners. Attendees will learn firearm safety, storage and maintenance.
Attend from an To attend, all you need ...
Zoom Conference Room
Secure America Now Training Center
This is a two part class about handguns (revolvers and semiautomatics). Part 1 is presented on Zoom and covers safety, the parts, features a...
Secure America Now Training Center
This course is the state-required prerequisite for applying for a Texas License To Carry (LTC)- formerly a Conceal Handgun License (CHL). T...
Secure America Now Training Center
Bexar Arms clients learn basic shooting mechanics for handgun, shotgun and semiautomatic rifle. In addition, participants learn to operate t...
Secure America Now Training Center
Secure America Now Training Center
LTC Students and Bexar Arms clients learn firearm safety, range commands and basic shooting mechanics. In addition, participants learn to op...
Secure America Now Training Center